ISDP and the DEI Committee are seeking investigators from historically marginalized and underrepresented communities to apply for our inaugural DEI Committee-sponsored symposium, with intention to present at the 2024 Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL, Oct. 2nd-4th). Early-career investigators ((from graduate students to within seven years of earning a Ph.D., M.D., Psy.D., etc.) investigators are especially encouraged to apply. Topics may vary broadly across the spectrum of developmental psychobiology and represent cellular, animal, and/or human models. Symposia Themes: • Perinatal health of Black pregnant individuals • Caregiver brain health and racism/discrimination • Caregiver mental health and racism/discrimination • Bilingualism and cognition • Intergenerational transmission of trauma • Digital mental health in diverse communities Please submit below a 250-word abstract by Wednesday, March 20th. Selected individuals will be notified by Monday, March 25th. Selection does not guarantee presentation at the annual meeting; we will submit the symposium application on Monday, April 1st. By submitting this application, you are confirming that you will be willing and able to present at the annual meeting in-person if the symposium is accepted. Submission Form: Please direct submission questions to: Lana Ruvolo Grasser, Ph.D., DEI Committee Chair, Joscelin Rocha-Hidalgo, Ph.D., DEI Committee Liaison, Diana Lopera Perez, DEI Committee Member, For more information on the annual meeting, please see here: For more information on symposia submissions, please see here:

Call for Speakers: ISDP DEI Committee Symposium

ISDP and the DEI Committee are seeking investigators from historically marginalized and underrepresented communities to apply for our inaugural DEI Committee-sponsored symposium, with intention to present at the 2024 Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL, Oct. 2nd-4th). Early-career investigators ((from graduate students to within seven years of earning a Ph.D., M.D., Psy.D., etc.) investigators are especially encouraged to apply.

The Infant Cognition Laboratory at the University of Kansas Life Span Institute is seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher

The Infant Cognition Laboratory at the University of Kansas Life Span Institute is seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher to assist with and coordinate an NIH-funded study of individual differences in infant learning. The project is a multi-site longitudinal study conducted at the University of Kansas under Dr. John Colombo in collaboration with the infant laboratory at the University of Connecticut under Dr. Kimberly Cuevas. The postdoc will be responsible for day-to-day duties in the laboratory, including recruitment and tracking of participants and data collection. Applicants should have the doctoral degree conferred at the time of appointment to this position, or have the degree conferred within six months from the date of hire. Position is a limited term of up to 4 years, contingent on availability of funding.

Johns Hopkins Appetite Lab seeks Post-doctoral Research Fellow

The Appetite Lab (PI: Susan Carnell) in the Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, seeks a post-doctoral fellow to work on funded studies investigating eating behaviors and body weight in infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood, with a focus on pediatric neuroimaging.

FABBS 2023 Early Career Impact Award Winner Kathryn L. Humphreys, Ph.D., Ed.M. of ISDP

Dr. Kathryn Humphreys earned her PhD in clinical psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles, and trained in developmental psychopathology and developmental neuroscience. She is currently an Assistant Professor of Psychology and Human Development at Vanderbilt University, is a member of the Clinical Science, Developmental Science, and Educational Neuroscience faculty, and directs the SEA (Stress and Early Adversity) Lab.

Post-Doctoral Researcher sought for the NICHD-funded Mother-Infant Neurobiological Development (MIND) study

Post-Doctoral Researcher sought for the NICHD-funded Mother -Infant Neurobiological Development (MIND) study, a three-site Harvard Medical School collaboration between Dr. K. Lyons-Ruth at Cambridge Hospital, Dr. E. Grant at Boston Children’s Hospital, and Dr. M. Teicher at McLean Hospital. The central aim of the research is to explore how maternal stress and brain morphology may translate into deviations in infant stress response, infant attachment behavior, and infant neurobiology over the first year of life.
We are seeking a highly motivated post-doctoral candidate in developmental psychology or neuroscience, with an interest in the quality of the early parent-infant relationship and its interface with infant stress response and maternal and infant neurobiology. An additional component of the study is looking at epigenetic aging in mothers and infants, in collaboration with Dr. Kerry Ressler, McLean Hospital. This is a two -year position, with funding allocated through June 30, 2026.

Assistant Professor in Developmental Adversity and Health – The Department of Biobehavioral Health in the College of Health and Human Development at The Pennsylvania State University

The Department of Biobehavioral Health in the College of Health and Human Development at The Pennsylvania State University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position examining the immediate or long-term biobehavioral consequences of developmental adversity. The ideal candidate will use an interdisciplinary approach that combines expertise in developmental and biological approaches to examine either the biological consequences of developmental adversity and/or biological mechanisms that shape responses to developmental adversity. Development is broadly defined as including the prenatal through adolescent periods. The candidate’s research may focus on any genomic, physiological, neuroscience, or computational biology methodologies in connecting developmental adversity to later well-being. Applicants using either human and/or animal models in their research are invited to apply.

Research Assistant, University of Maryland, College Park to start Spring 2024

Research Assistant, University of Maryland, College Park. To start Spring 2024. A position is open for a full-time research assistant to work on the National Healthy Brain and Cognitive Development (HBCD) study at the University of Maryland. The HBCD study is recruiting women during pregnancy and following their infants through the first five years of their lives. This project aims to conduct multi-modal brain imaging (MRI, EEG) across the first years of life as well as neurobehavioral assessment. The work will be supervised by Drs. Nathan Fox in the Child Development Laboratory, Dr. Brenda Jones Harden and Dr. Tracy Riggins.

The application of fNIRS in the perinatal period, an Artinis Medical Systems sponsored workshop

Presenters: Alexandra Tiano & Rocio Fernandez, Artinis Medical Systems

Currently, wearable fNIRS devices play an important part in many research fields, because they allow measuring oxy-, deoxy- and total hemoglobin concentration changes in more naturalistic paradigms without restrictions. Among others, these measures can be translated into cortical brain activity, when fNIRS is applied on the scalp. In comparison with other neuroimaging techniques (e.g., EEG), fNIRS is not as susceptible to movement artefacts, providing robust data in many real-life scenarios. The characteristics just described, make of fNIRS a very suitable technique to use with young and more sensitive populations, such as newborns, infants and toddlers, for whom flexibility and comfort are of the outmost importance.

During this workshop, we will explain how you can measure activity using fNIRS and discuss the utility of fNIRS within different research fields, such as developmental neuroscience. We will use Artinis wearable fNIRS devices to measure brain activity and show how to work with the devices and the software.

The 2023 Rovee-Collier Mentor Award Winner: Nim Tottenham, PhD, Professor of Psychology Columbia University Department of Psychology

ISDP 2023 Awards Presentation

Description Presentation of ISDP Senior Awards: 4:00 PM The 2023 Rovee-Collier Mentor Award Winner: Nim Tottenham, PhD, with an introduction by one of his mentees, Laurel Gabard-Durnam, Ph.D., Northeastern University VIRTUAL with …