The International Society for Developmental Psychobiology (ISDP) is committed to promoting and upholding values of diversity, equity, inclusivity, and social justice. As a society, we are dedicated to combating bias in both our science and membership, and we pledge to devote time, resources, and effort towards creating and sustaining a scientific environment where scholars from all career stages and lived experiences can thrive.
Progress can only be made through transparency, collaborative action, and continuous self-reflection. For that reason, we are making a commitment to advancing specific priorities for each academic year. These goals were identified and discussed by the members of the ISDP DEI committee, and we will review our progress on these fronts and revise these priorities annually.
Goals for 2022-2023
- Establish a board position for a DEI liaison as an ex officio member with voting rights. The liaison will be a vocal advocate of DEI-related issues and ensure that the planned activities and goals of the DEI committee are reached.
- Increase the undergraduate presence of scholars from diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds at the annual meeting. We will do so by:
- Inviting scholars from colleges and universities around San Diego (where the 2022 meeting is taking place), focusing on minority-serving institutions (MSIs).
- Covering conference registration of local scholars from MSIs.
- Inviting local scholars from MSIs to the Meet the Professors Breakfast.
- Integrate DEI issues into the Meet the Professors (MTP) breakfast. Typically, the MTP breakfast is focused on connecting students and early career scholars with professors who share their research interests. This year we will restructure the MTP breakfast to involve conversations focused on career progress and DEI issues. We will make a call for professors to volunteer for the lunch, particularly those with marginalized identities who have the bandwidth to connect with students in this format.
- Create a ‘How to Conference at ISDP’ guide and distribute prior to the annual meeting.
- Submit a grant to NSF to establish a mentoring program specifically for scientists from marginalized socio-demographic backgrounds.
DEI Committee 2022-2023
Natalie Brito (Chair) | Nicolas Fraiman | Diana Lopera-Perez |
Berenice Anaya | Nikita Ghodke | Vida Rebello |
Kristen Breit | Lana Grasser | Joscelin Rocha-Hidalgo |
Bridget Callaghan | Megan Gunnar | Alexandra Tabachnick |
Andrea Fields | Noor Jarbou | Ellie Taylor |
Why is a DEI committee necessary?
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are essential for scientific progress. First, diverse teams bring a range of perspectives, ideas, and approaches to research, which can lead to novel insights, foster creativity, and drive innovation. These different perspectives can question existing paradigms and enable more comprehensive and nuanced explorations of questions relating to development. Second, equity ensures that all individuals have equal opportunities to contribute to scientific knowledge regardless of their background. Equity broadens the talent pool and helps ensure that the benefits of scientific research are widely distributed and accessible. Lastly, an inclusive environment is vital in retaining diverse talent and ensuring all members feel valued, respected, and part of the scientific community. Inclusion fosters collaboration and mutual respect, further encouraging the exchange of ideas. DEI not only enriches the scientific community, but also improves the quality and reach of scientific research, amplifying our ability as scientists to address complex questions and challenges.