Update on the (DEI) Committee self-reflection meeting
On Friday, January 17th, the ISDP Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee hosted a self-reflection meeting open to all ISDP members. We recapped our past year and ongoing goals as …
On Friday, January 17th, the ISDP Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee hosted a self-reflection meeting open to all ISDP members. We recapped our past year and ongoing goals as …
ISDP 2025 – 58th Annual Meeting of the ISDP, November 12-14, 2025, at the Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa, San Diego, USA (immediately preceding SfN Neuroscience 2025)
Congratulations to the ISDP Student/Postdoc Member Travel Award Winners – Thanks for Sharing your Science! Annie Aitken, New York University, New York, US Nadya Ali, Tilburg University, Tilburg, NL Berenice Anaya, The Pennsylvania State University, Louis, …
2024 Wiley Keynote Speaker, Mar Sanchez, Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine. Core Scientist and Chief, Division of Developmental and Cognitive Neuroscience, Emory National Primate Research Center, Emory University
View the online program and register today to save on Early Bird Registration!
Online Abstract & Student/Postdoc Member Travel Award Submission Form Abstract & Student/Postdoc Member Travel Award Submission Deadline Extended Until: June 17, 2024 ISDP 2024: 57th Annual Meeting of the International …
Congratulations to Santiago Morales, PhD, 2024 Kucharski Young Investigator Award!
2024 ISDP Dissertation Award Winner – Nicole Walasek, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher,
University of Amsterdam, Evolutionary and Population Biology, Netherlands. She will give a 10-minute talk at ISDP 2024 related to her dissertation on “The evolution and development of sensitive periods: Theoretical and statistical approaches.”
Early life adversity has the potential to influence brain development, biological systems, attitudes, and behaviors, which is hypothesized to subsequently affect physical and mental health in adulthood. However, the effects of these experiences vary across different domains of functioning and may not be uniform across individuals, necessitating further investigation into the genetic underpinnings of developmental outcomes through comprehensive, developmentally sensitive research designs. We also need to expand our search into both the endogenous and exogenous causal pathways at play, ranging from molecular mechanisms to the structural and broader social influences that shape life within our society. In the first presentation, Dr Larose will present the contributions of a polygenic score (PGS) for externalizing behaviors and latent profiles of neighborhood deprivation on conduct disorders during adolescence and show that the PGS and neighborhoods with crime and low-quality infrastructures both additively predict conduct disorders. Next, Dr Cantave will offer additional evidence that genetic predispositions for internalizing and externalizing problems are associated with higher risk encounter childhood adversity, although no such association is noted for peri-natal adversity. Delving deeper into the possibility that genetic factors may be confounded with early-life adversity, Dr. Ouellet-Morin will show that childhood maltreatment is more likely to arise among children with a genetic predisposition for aggression and shed light on how these experiences partly explain how the PGS predict developmental trajectories of global and reactive aggression during adolescence. Finally, using advanced genomics and translational animal models, Dr Pelufo Silveira will show that brain-specific gene networks responsive to early stress and insulin, have a sex-dependent modulation of adversity response mediated by brain insulin, particularly in dopaminergic pathways influencing behavior and decision-making.