ISDP President Megan Gunner Presents the ISDP 2022 Hybrid Meeting Welcome Video

ISDP President, Megan R. Gunnar, explains the ISDP 2022 Hybrid Meeting format and reviews the program to take place at the Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa in San Diego and on our Virtual Platform, November 9-11, 2022. All meeting content will be available on-demand for one month following the meeting. Currently nearly 350 participants are registered, with 285 in-person and the rest virtually.
Please visit the Meeting Portal

How to set up your iPoster for ISDP 2022 Hybrid Meeting

How to set up your iPoster We will keep the Virtual iPoster Sessions separate from the in-person Poster Sessions. All poster authors will be required to also create an iPoster in the, which can either be a simple pdf upload of your in-person poster as well as using the full iPoster templates for more in-depth information. Our interactive iPoster platform will make it easy for authors to create presentations that bring their research to life – whether presented virtually online or live onsite in San Diego.

iPosters – Instructions & Details

We highly recommend you include 3-5 minute video presentation of your iPoster. Your Lightning Talk is your opportunity to present your research via video. Please record your video and insert the video link in the first content box of your iPoster add a headline that says Lightning Talk. You can record yourself on multiple platforms via your computer, Zoom or Microsoft Teams where you can share your desktop to show slides or graphics, in PowerPoint which will combine your video and slides, or even on your phone (make sure you hold it horizontally) with no slides. All Lightning Talks must be uploaded to either YouTube or Vimeo.