ISDP 2023 Perinatel Pre-Conference Lunch Workshop sponsored by Magstim EGI: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 from 11:30 – 13:00

EEG assisted drug repurposing across the neurodevelopmental spectrum


Alterations in E/I ratios from various sources supposedly underlie clinical manifestations of neurodevelopmental disorders ranging from behavioral disturbances to seizures. Many existing and new pharmacological interventions target elements of E/I-balance regulation; however, lack of technology to track changes in E/I ratio   in a clinically insightful manner is limiting  their implementation. Based on our computational model, we recently put forward a patent-pending algorithm to quantify network-level E/I ratio (fE/I) directly from EEG signals (Bruining et al., 2020). We published proof-of-concept of pronounced fE/I dysregulation in two genetic neurodevelopmental disorders (Houtman et al., 2021; Juarez-martinez et al., 2022), and variability in treatment response to fE/I ratio in autism spectrum disorder (Juarez-Martinez et al., 2021). Building on these successes, our present objective is to improve and validate this technology to track pharmacological regulation of fE/I ratio as a clinically and mechanistically sound metric in relation to patient relevant outcome measures in multiple n-of-1 trial designs.

Prof. Dr. Hilgo Bruining | VKC Psyche | Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiater

Afdeling Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie & Psychosociale Zorg