ePoster Presentations:
Similar to oral video presentations, poster presenters can upload their digital ePosters through the speaker/abstract module. Prepare your poster in PowerPoint or Keynote, save it as a: pdf,pdfx,jpg file.
- File names should not have any special characters
- Files are all auto re-named based on your submission ID #
- If you replace an uploaded file, the name will remain the same,
but the associated date and time will be updated. - ePoster will be viewed with pan and zoom technology as the poster is viewed by participants, to clearly present the poster.
In addition to the ePoster pdf, which will be available to attendees 24/7 from one week prior to the start of the Virtual Meeting for at least one month after the meeting, poster presenters may also choose to include a pre-recorded 3-5 minute video presentation to accompany the ePoster (see instructions below). Discussion boards are embedded for Q&A and ongoing discussions.
ePosters must be uploaded in high resolution pdf format. If a video is included, it will display alongside the ePoster PDF.
Oral Presentations (Invited and Abstract Submissions):
- Login and click on the ISDP 2020 Virtual Meeting Poster or Oral Presentation (or ISDP 2020 Virtual Meeting Invited Speaker Abstract & Presentation) button on your profile page.
- Use Google Chrome
- Choose “Presentation Video” under Media File Management.
- Click on the Record Presentation button.
- Enable website access to camera and microphone
- Turn on Mic, and Video
- Share screen or Application window and choose the window of your presentation, (you will have 15 seconds), switch to slide presentation, you can also use the laser pointer included in the record feature
- Click Record
- Stop video with floating Chrome Controller or by clicking STOP button in recording App.
- Preview, Save and Upload when happy (you can re-record as many times as you like until the deadline. If you record over your pre recorded video, it will be lost/recorded over).
- For ePoster presenters ONLY: Upload your ePoster as a high resolution PDF.
ISDP Virtual Presentation Guide for Oral Presentations – Watch Video