In-person attendees were fully vaccinated and masked!
iPoster Session in-person
In-Person ISDP Student/Postdoc Member Travel Award Winners
Virtual ISDP Student/Postdoc Abstract Award Winners
Amy Learmonth (L) and Julie Campbell 2021 Distinguished Services Award winners.
2021 Rovee-Collier Mentor Award Winner: Megan Gunnar, PhD
2021 Sandra G. Wiener Student Investigator Award, Mariann A. Howland

(on the SfN Hotel Shuttle Route)

Program Director:
Peter Gerhardstein, Binghamtom University-SUNY

Conference Coordinator:
Julie Campbell, Illinois State University

Perinatal Pre-Conference Symposium Program Director:

International Perinatal Brain and Behavior Network (IPBBN)
Marion van den Heuvel, Tilburg University

Click on the Image to Browse Full Program & Schedule
Seth David Pollak, Ph.D., Letters and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of Wisconsin - Madison


Seth Pollak’s research focuses on children’s brain and behavioral development, with particular focus on emotions, learning, and children’s health. Dr. Pollak has been the recipient of the Boyd-McCandless Award for Distinguished Contributions to Child Development, the American Psychological Association’s Distinguished Early Career Award, the APS James McKeen Cattell Sabbatical Award, as well as the Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award from the University of Wisconsin. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Association for Psychological Science. In 2020, Dr. Pollak was elected to membership in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and was recently named a 2021 Guggenheim Fellow.



Breakfast Workshop GRANTS – Thursday, November 11, 2021, 7:45 – 8:45 AM in the Lucerne Ballroom

ISDP’s Grants Workshops gives young investigators the opportunity to meet with PI’s and Full Professors, as well as representatives from the NIH and NSF to discuss strategies for grant writing. Registration is required and all participants will be provided with a Continental Breakfast. We hope you will join us for this opportunity! Please note that attendance is limited to the first 50 participants that sign up.

Meet-the-Professors Breakfast Workshop – Friday, November 12, 2021 from 7:45 – 8:45 AM in the Lucerne Ballroom.

ISDP’s Meet-the-Professors gives ISDP students and post-doc members the opportunity to meet with some of our faculty members about their research. This year’s selected faculty participants will be announced soon. Registration is required and all participants will be provided with a Continental Breakfast. We hope you will join us for this networking opportunity! Please note that attendance is limited to the first 32 ISDP Member Students and Postdocs who sign up. 

Virtual Meet-the-Professors Workshop – Friday, November 12, 2021 from 7:45 – 8:45 AM on ZOOM.

ISDP’s Virtual Meet-the-Professors gives ISDP students and post-doc members who are participating in ISDP 2021 Hybrid Meeting remotely, the opportunity to meet with some of our faculty members and to discuss their research. The faculty participants will be announced soon. Registration is required. The Virtual Meet-the-Professors Workshop attendance is limited to the first 32 ISDP Member Students and Postdocs who sign up. 

While COVID-19 continues spreading across the world at this time, as vaccine distribution is ramping up, the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology is keeping the health and safety of our members as our top priority. The ISDP 2021 Hybrid Meeting: 54th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology (ISDP) will be held November 10-12, 2021, at the Swissôtel Chicago, for all those who are ready and able to TRAVEL and will include integrated virtual presentations, online discussions and on-demand access to engage participants across the world. Building on the success of ISDP 2020 Virtual Meeting, we hope that this first ever Hybrid Meeting will allow the ISDP community to stay connected, share research, and further collaborations to advance the field of Developmental Psychobiology. 

 Important Dates:

April 15, 2021: Symposium Submission Proposals Deadline. Click here to view accepted Symposia.

May 15, 2021: Notification to be made to Accepted Symposium Chairs

July 15, 2021: Abstract Submission Deadline 

July 15, 2021: ISDP Prestigious Awards Nominations/Applications Deadline July 15, 2021: ISDP Student & Postdoc Member Travel and/or Abstract Award Applications Deadline

August 13, 2021: Notification to be made to Accepted Abstract Presenters, and all Award Winners and Accepted ISDP Student & Postdoc Member Travel Award and/or Abstract Award Winners

August 15, 2021: COVGEN Alliance Summit submission deadline. Please visit to initiate your submission. 

September 1, 2021: Early Registration Deadline

October 1, 2021: Hotel Reservation Deadline (or sooner if the room block is filled)

October 15, 2021: Regular Registration Deadline

November 10 – 12, 2021, ISDP 2021 in Chicago!

Social distancing meeting room set up.
Adapting to the new normal! There will be PLENTY of room for social distancing.
Virtual Symposium Session from 2020 meeting

ISDP 2020 Virtual Meeting – On-Demand Access now available for all through April 21, 2021.

Testimonials from ISDP 2020 Virtual Meeting…

The live broadcast of pre-corded presentations and live discussions after were excellent.

Virtual poster session space was fantastic!

I’ve attended 4 virtual conferences this year and ISDP was the best!

Gathertown was a really great way to network and meet people!!

Really great execution of a virtual conference!

I liked the meeting room sessions, it felt like I was “walking into” a talk and not so zoom like.

New to the ISDP Annual Meetings? Want to check out the 2020 Virtual Meeting content? 

Open access to ISDP 2020 Virtual Meeting is now available for those presentations that agreed to remain on the platform. Please login and complete the complimentary registration on your profile to access the content.

Final Program Abstracts           Final Program Schedule

Browse Online Interactive Program


Doing better – a panel discussion on how best to improve scientific practices with respect to inclusivity and equality

In this live panel, three members of the society board: Dima Amso, Natalie Brito, and Bridget Callaghan facilitated a discussion on diversity and social justice in academia, the laboratory, and the ‘work-from-home’ environment. First, they discussed why it is valuable to increase diversity in the lab, and the ways in which we, as researchers, can become better engaged with the communities we serve. Second, they discussed the critical issues of best practices in science, as they pertain to generalizability of data across cultures and populations, and the limitations of what can be inferred about the human condition when scientists sample from only white or WEIRD, middle class populations of infants/children/teens and parents. Coming from a place of active learning, they solicited questions from the audience, and crowdsource ideas for  plans to address systemic racism/discrimination within our society, universities, and lab cultures.

Highlights from the Symposium Sessions:

Please click on the Symposium Titles Below for full details:

Columbia University in the City of New York Sponsored Symposium:

Young Investigator Symposium: 

  • PERINATAL SYMPOSIUM: COVID-19 IN CLINIC AND RESEARCH, Session Chair: Dr. Marion van den Heuvel, Tilburg University, Netherlands; Panelists: Jasmine Hect, University of Pittsburgh, United States; Mr. Abdul Ibrahim, University of Cape Town, South Africa; Ms. Rebecca Lipschutz, University of Houston, United States; Dr. Tomoki Arichi, King’s College London, United Kingdom; Prof. Seon Deoni, Brown University, United States; Dr. Elif Duman, Bogazici University, Turkey; Prof. Dani Dumitriu, Columbia University, United States

ISDP STUDENT & POSTDOC MEMBER ABSTRACT AWARDS, thanks to our sponsors & virtual exhibitors:

Thank you to all of our sponsors, who have generously supported ISDP Student & Postdoc Member Travel Awards as well as selected Symposium Speaker’s travel.  Funding for these awards was generously provided by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR)John Wiley and Sons Publishing, (publishers of the ISDP’s official journal, Developmental Psychobiology, the Division of Developmental Neuroscience in Psychiatry at Columbia University,  MagstimEGI, Brain Vision, LLC, The Trust Insurance Programs, ANT Neuro, Zero to Three and the members of the ISDP. Thanks to all our generous sponsors and exhibitors!

Thanks to our Confirmed 2020 Sponsors: