Wiley invites qualified individuals to apply for the position of Editor-in-Chief of Developmental Psychobiology

Developmental Psychobiology is an international, peer-reviewed journal. It publishes original research and review articles on all aspects of psychobiology research, spanning studies with human and non-human populations with an emphasis on understanding the links between biology, neuroscience, and behavior during development. The successful candidate for the position of Editor-in-Chief will be recognized internationally for their achievements in this area and have a good track record of publications and presentations at conferences. The candidate will also have an extensive international network of contacts, so that the profile of the Journal can continue to be developed. The ideal candidate will be skilled in diplomacy, networking, and written and verbal communication.

The duties of the EIC include:

• Managing the day-to-day operations of the Journal, especially the peer-review process, with support from a journal administrator provided by the Publisher

• Facilitating thorough, fair, and fast peer review through the delegation of Associate Editors, the invitation of peer reviewers, and the synthesis of peer review reports into a manuscript decision

• Encouraging submissions from authors and serving as an ambassador of the Journal

• Identifying promising symposia at the annual meeting that might form one or more special sections or special issues of the journal

• Organizing the review and selection process for the annual Hennessy-Smotherman-Wiley Best Student Paper Award

• Monitoring and improving Journal operations and the effectiveness of the Journal’s editorial goals and policies

• Collaborating with the Publisher to explore strategic new initiatives, policies, and subject areas in order to enhance Journal quality and growth

• Maintaining regular communication with the Publisher to discuss the journal’s performance, operations, and management of the Associate Editors

• Managing the Editorial Board, including inviting and retiring members and monitoring performance

• Maintaining regular communication with the Associate Editors and the Editorial Board to keep them engaged and energized

• Attend the annual ISDP meetings and chair the Wiley board meeting at that time.

The EIC shall have the power to delegate specific responsibilities to Associate Editors and the Editorial Board. Ideally, to keep the flow of papers maintained and the decision times to a minimum, the successful candidate should plan to spend a little time on the Journal each day. The EIC will be expected to start in May of 2022.

A search committee has been formed by members of the Executive Committee of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology to assist Wiley in selection of the new editor. Applicants should send a covering letter, curriculum vitae, and a short assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of Developmental Psychobiology and your vision for how you would like to see it develop in the future. Please send all application materials by February 15, 2022 to:

Christina Tuballes, Journal Publishing Manager, at [email protected]


Megan Gunnar, President, International Society for Developmental Psychobiology at [email protected]