The ISDP releases the list of winning candidates from the 2020 election ballot. The newly elected President-Elect, Treasurer, Board Member and Student/Postdoc Representative will assume their roles following the ISDP 2020 Virtual Meeting next week.
President-Elect (2-year term, followed by 2-year term as President)
Tania L. Roth, PhD
Professor and Chair
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
University of Delaware
Dr. Tania Roth is Professor and Chair of the Psychological and Brain Science at the University of Delaware. Her research program is focused on defining epigenetic mechanisms responsible for environmental influences on CNS gene activity, development of behavior, and psychiatric disorder. She has been a member of ISDP since 2000, has served as ISDP board member, and is currently an Associate Editor (Learning, Memory, Genetics, and Epigenetics) of Developmental Psychobiology, which all place her in a good position to make a positive contribution to the society as President. The President position holds appeal as an exciting opportunity and challenge to lead and help advance a great society. She would advocate mentorship and career development activities for younger members and meeting attendees and would welcome the opportunity to lead efforts to infuse diversity and inclusion into the society and discipline.
Treasurer, 3 Year Term
Kevin Bath, PhD
Associate Professor of Medical Psychology
Department of Psychiatry
Columbia University Medical College
Research Scientist VI
New York State Psychiatric Institute
Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene Inc.
Kevin received his Ph.D. from Cornell University and then carried out postdoctoral training at Weill Cornell Medical College in the Department of Psychiatry. He joined the faculty of Brown University in 2011 and founded the Brown Rodent Behavioral Phenotyping Facility, a state of the art center for translational study of animal models of human pathology. Dr. Bath’s program of research focuses on the impact of early life stress on trajectories of neural and behavioral development in mouse models, with a focus on cognitive and affective outcomes. Using this approach, Dr. Bath is able to manipulate both genetic and environmental risk factors of pathology to identify potential substrates underlying both risk and resilience. Through collaborative endeavors, he work hopes to generate and test predictions about possible factors contributing to pathological outcomes in human populations. Dr. Bath work has been funded by the NIMH, Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, and has been a member of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology for the past 10 years.
Board Member, 3 Year Term
Jennifer Silvers, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
University of California-Los Angeles
Los Angeles, USA
Jennifer Silvers has been a member of ISDP since 2016 and was ISDP’s Kucharski Young Investigator recipient in 2018. She is eager to be a member of the ISDP board because she is committed to ISDP’s scientific mission and especially its focus on training the next generation of scientists to consider development from multi-method and multi-species perspectives. She is particularly interested in showcasing more work on human adolescent development at ISDP. Dr. Silvers is an Assistant Professor at UCLA, where she directs the Social Affective Neuroscience and Development Laboratory. Dr. Silvers received bachelors degrees in Psychology and Cognitive Science at the University of Virginia and completed her doctoral and postdoctoral training at Columbia University. Dr. Silvers’ program of research uses neuroscience tools to characterize how emotion regulation, learning and decision-making change normatively across childhood and adolescence, as well as how social factors (early adversity, parent and friend relationships) impact emotional and physical health. Dr. Silvers has received early career awards from APA, ISDP, NSF and SRCD and is funded by NIH and NSF.
Student Member Representative, 2 Year Term
Andrea Fields, Doctoral Student
Columbia University
Department of Psychology
New York, NY USA
I’m a fourth-year Ph.D. student at Columbia University working with both Nim Tottenham and Bill Fifer. Broadly, my research focuses on how children learn from and adapt to their early caregiving environments, particularly in the context of stressors like parental psychopathology and caregiving separation. ISDP was the first conference that I ever attended, and since then has always stood out to me as a scientific society that strongly prioritizes students and early career researchers. I’m excited by the prospect of continuing to engage and support fellow trainees through the Student Member Representative position.