In September ISDP lost a brilliant young scholar, Carrie DePasquale

In September ISDP lost a brilliant young scholar, Carrie DePasquale, who passed away suddenly from an undetected medical problem.
Read more about Carrie.
Jena Doom
I am heartbroken that my Gunnar Lab “little sister” Dr. Carrie DePasquale suddenly passed away this weekend. She was a brilliant scientist, a fun-loving soul, and one of the most passionate, caring people I’ve ever met. The world is certainly darker without her in it.
She applied for and received an F32 from NICHD on her first round (seriously, what a badass). She had just started started her postdoc with Dr. Erika Lunkenheimer at Penn State, and she was so excited about the training she was going to receive there.
Here’s a photo of her at @devpsybio last year absolutely crushing her presentation with the graphs she was so proud of creating. I was so proud of her.
Carrie presenting at ISDP 2019 in Chicago.