I am pleased to let you know that through the hard work of Patrick Williams we have had a listserv since March, 2017.
The purpose of this listserv is to have a location where discussion of scientific issues among our members can take place. Indeed, I hope that members will “seed” conversations.
We would especially love to see discussion of theoretical topics as well as methodological issues and discussion about particular studies. We are envisioning the kind of conversation that might take place among colleagues when they get together in person, like at the annual convention. ISDP organizational issues would have a place too. And of course announcements and job postings.
Here are the instructions from Patrick regarding joining the listserv.
To subscribe to the listserv, one should send an email to [email protected]. Capitals are not required.
The subject line can say anything or nothing at all. It will be ignored by the listserv software.
The body of the message should say SUBSCRIBE DPB FIRSTNAME LASTNAME
Obviously, the subscriber’s own first name and last name should be substituted in the appropriate places.
This is something that our membership has asked for. I am hoping it will be a solid addition for us.
Thanks, again, to Patrick!
Nathan Fox
ISDP President
Once you are subscribed:
TO SEND A MESSAGE TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS: Send an email to [email protected]. Please don’t send commands intended for the ListServ software (see below) to this address because the commands won’t be executed and it would be really annoying to other subscribers.
TO SEND A COMMAND TO THE LISTSERV SOFTWARE: There are lots of commands that you can send to the ListServ software to change the details of your subscription. Some frequently-used commands appear below. To execute one of these commands, send an email to [email protected] with the command in the body of the email. No subject line is necessary.
— to leave DPB: SIGNOFF DPB
— to receive a copy of your own posts to DPB: SET DPB REPRO
— to receive a short acknowledgment of your posts instead of a copy: SET DPB ACK NOREPRO
— to receive no acknowledgment of your posts: SET DPB NOACK NOREPRO
— to receive a single daily digest of posts instead of individual posts: SET DPB DIGEST
— to conceal your name on the subscribers list. Using the REVIEW command, it’s possible for someone to see that you are a subscriber. If you don’t want your name to be visible: SET DPB CONCEAL
— to get information about other subscription options: QUERY DPB
— to learn about other ListServ commands: INFO REFCARD