The 2024 ISDP Senior Investigator Award Goes to Tallie Z. Baram, MD, PhD

Dr. Tallie Z. Baram, MD, PhD
Danette Shepard Prof. Neurological Sciences
Bren and Distinguished Prof. Pediatrics, Anatomy/Neurobiology, Neurology
Director Conte Center
UC – Irvine, Irvine, USA
Twitter: @z_baram

Tallie Z. Baram, MD, PhD is the Danette Shepard Professor of Neurological Sciences and Distinguished Bren Professor at UCI. Baram, a child neurologist and developmental neuroscientist, has focused her efforts on the influence of early-life adversities on brain maturation and the implications of these enduring changes for cognitive and mental illnesses. Baram’s group studies the consequences of early-life adversity at molecular, cellular and circuit levels, and probes the underlying mechanisms. Via the Conte Center she leads, Baram conducts cutting-edge studies in experimental models and translational work in infants, children and adults. She is now carrying her discoveries on how early adversity can impact the developing brain back to the clinic.

Baram’s work is internationally renowned, leading to prestigious research awards and numerous invited talks. Baram has a passion and commitment to inclusive mentoring of the next generation of scientists and physician-scientists. Her former trainees, from diverse countries and backgrounds, are now contributing independently to our understanding of the brain in health and disease.