Virtual iPoster Sessions & iPoster Setup (all poster authors must also create an iPoster so that our virtual meeting attendees have access to all posters)
ISDP researchers are able to highlight their key findings using the iPoster template designs that can support videos and animations, links to relevant papers and other supplementary materials and overcome the limitations of a paper poster. Presenters can easily make last-minute changes to the content and set up individual video or chat sessions to invite other participants to meet them to discuss their iPoster. Ideally the iPoster should include a three-minute Lightning Talk, this is your opportunity to give an elevator pitch and encourage people to come to one of your video sessions (or visit you at your Poster Session in San Diego.
For in–person presenters, consider including a profile picture on your paper poster as well so conference-goers can recognize your face in a crowd, and a QR code so that those in San Diego can pull up your full iPoster for a more engaging experience.
We will keep the Virtual iPoster Sessions separate from the in-person Poster Sessions. All poster authors will be required to also create an iPoster in the, which can either be a simple pdf upload of your in-person poster (not recommended), but preferably using one of the iPoster templates for more in-depth and animated information. Our interactive iPoster platform makes it easy for authors to create presentations that bring their research to life – whether presented virtually online or live onsite in San Diego including:
- Schedule video chat room discussions at multiple times and dates.
- Unlimited text and multimedia content.
- Upload high resolution images, high definition videos, and GIF’s.
- Audio tools for adding oral presentations and other sound files.
- Add simulations, visualizations, and sonifications.
- Include links to external websites for viewing original source materials and other contextual content and other dynamic content.
The iPoster gallery will be accessible to all meeting participants via the virtual meeting platform (Pheedloop). Virtual iPoster Sessions on Thursday will be in the ISDP Gather.Town poster hall, a spacial networking space designed by ISDP Student Member Representative Andrea Fields and Mia McLean as well as former Student Member Representative Joscelin Roche-Hidalgo. We will organize two Virtual Sessions on Thursday, November 10th to make them accessible for all virtual participants as follows:
Thursday, November 10, 2022
FOR VIRTUAL PRESENTERS & PARTICIPANTS LOCATED FROM EUROPE TO CHICAGO: Session will be held from 7AM – 9AM in San Diego (in-person presenters can present from the conference area if they wish)
FOR VIRTUAL PRESENTERS & PARTICIPANTS LOCATED FROM THE USA WEST COAST TO ASIA AND AUSTRALIA: Session will be held from 8PM-10PM IN San Diego (in-person presenters can present from the conference area after the in-person poster session reception if they wish)
The ISDP Poster Sessions are always very popular networking events and a great opportunity to share your science with senior investigators as well as young investigators and students (attendance is estimated at 400-500 participants including the virtual participants). Your abstract will be published in a special FREE OPEN ACCESS issue of Developmental Psychobiology published by Wiley, the ISDP’s Official Journal.

Information for In-Person Poster Presenters:
In-person Poster Sessions will be using the traditional boards and each presenter will be assigned a poster in their session for the full 90 minutes. The in-person poster presenters will also be required to submit their poster through the iPoster platform so they are accessible to our virtual participants (which can either be a pdf upload (NOT recommended) or using the iPoster templates for more in-depth information).
We recommend you to print your poster on paper (please avoid fabric). The necessary materials to hang your poster will be provided onsite. Poster board dimensions will be 4′ x 4’ or 121 cm X 121 cm, (2 posters on each side of a 8’ wide by 4′ tall board). Briefly, posters should be sized to be a maximum of 42 inches wide and 42 inches (106 centimeters) high but may be smaller. Poster presenters are expected to stand by their poster during their poster session.
Consider including a profile picture on your paper poster as well so conference-goers can recognize your face in a crowd, and a QR code so that those in San Diego can pull up your full iPoster for a more engaging experience.
Prepare a 5-7″ (12 – 18 cm) high title strip that runs the full width of the poster. Use a large black and bold typeface for the title, and slightly smaller font for author’s names and affiliations. Capital letters are usually more difficult to read than small letters. Include your Presentation ID number from program in the TOP RIGHT corner of the poster (not your original abstract submission ID but the final program Presentation ID number), these numbers will also be fixed to your poster board side, so you will know where to mount your poster.
For poster session 1, please plan to put up your poster on Wednesday before the start of the session and remove it directly after the end of the session. For poster session 2, please plan to put up your poster on Thursday morning before the AM coffee break and remove it directly after the end of the session. All poster presenters are required to be at their posters during their scheduled session to discuss their work with attendees and must be registered for the meeting no later than October 15, 2022 or their poster will be removed from the program and not be included in the journal issue. For more information about registration, please click here.