This is a call for submissions for a special issue of Developmental Psychobiology entitled “The brain-gut connection: environmental influences on gastrointestinal biology and neuro-behavior across development.” This special issue will be edited by Dr. Bridget Callaghan and Morgan Firestein. The study of brain-gut communication is rapidly expanding and research findings with relevance to developmental psychobiology continue to emerge. The interdisciplinary nature of this research field, intersecting with psychology, neuroscience, microbiology, gastroenterology, and clinical science, has resulted in a burgeoning body of data across several different species and myriad developmental stages. To make these data known within the wider field of developmental psychobiology, we invite submissions that address the topic of brain-gut development, and the role of the early environment in shaping communication along this pathway. Original submissions on human and non-human animal species, including (but not limited to) examinations of gut manipulations (e.g., pro-, pre-, and anti-biotic) on behavior and/or neurodevelopment and function, microbiome-behavior/brain associations, gastrointestinal and psychological comorbidities, environmental shaping of behavior and gastrointestinal biology, the role of nutrition in cognitive and psychological development, and developmental trajectories of brain-gut/microbiome interactions are welcomed. Acceptable articles may also review recent empirical work, conceptual advances, and novel models of brain/behavior-gut/microbiome developmental processes, innovative methods, or future directions. We also welcome articles that consider the contributions of this field to advances in developmental neuroscience, public policy, and child health.
If you would be interested in contributing original research to the special issue, please confirm your participation by contacting the Developmental Psychobiology editorial office ([email protected]) by March 1, 2018. Authors interested in submitting a review should include an abstract (250 words). Content may be suggested to ensure originality of the submission. If accepted, the manuscript would be due for editorial review by July 1, 2018. Additional guidelines to follow.
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